Oh, Little Town of Harpers Ferry, How Still We See Thee Lie

Harpers Ferry: a quaint little town, vegan restaurants, a national park, Appalachian Trail headquarters, great place to hop a train to DC or Pittsburgh, a Kansas album cover or a great place to start a civil war? It’s all in how you look at it, who’s looking, and when.

This is a picture I took on a hike above the town on Loudoun Heights Saturday and the painting of John Brown in the John Brown museum.

Figure 1: “Harpers Ferry” by George Jones is licenced under CC SA 4.0

Figure 1: “Harpers Ferry” by George Jones is licenced under CC SA 4.0

Oh, you gotta get a glory in the work you do

I’ve been reading a lot of poetry lately. A snatch of a poem my grandmother used to quote about finding meaning in work came to mind: Oh, you gotta get a glory In the work you do; A hallelujah chorus In the heart of you. Paint, or tell a story, Sing, or shovel coal, But you gotta get a glory Or the job lacks soul. Berton Baley Even Google and Duck-Duck Go don’t know much about it, so here it is in my grandmothers handwriting.

IPv6 Day

Today was the day I made the choice to live for an entire work-day on an IPv6-only network. And it worked. I’ve been watching this slow train comin’ for 30 years. Now I’m holding my breath for CNLP :-)

Why I hike

Why I hike. A picture is worth 1000 words Figure 1: “Sun behind ice on tree” by George Jones is licenced under CC SA 4.0 I went hiking in Shenandoah national park Satuday. Pictures here https://pixelfed.social/p/eludom/396268280449793695 I had not been out much lately (winter, cold), but this reminded why I hike. You get to the top (in this case, of “Mary’s Rock”) and have breathtaking views (often when you are already out of breath :-).

Doing Latin without thinking about it

This may be obvious to people who are fluent in several languages, but communicating in different languages does not have to be like working a proof in geometry. The Latin I learned focused on being able to consciously understand all 144 different inflected forms (yes, 144) of any standard Latin verb. Pretty sure most children in antiquity could not separate a genitive geurnd from a supine from a plural perfect passive participle. But they could talk.

Figure 1: “Forum Romanarum Nocte, Anno MMXIX” by George Jones is licenced under CC SA 4.0

Figure 1: “Forum Romanarum Nocte, Anno MMXIX” by George Jones is licenced under CC SA 4.0

Conspiracy theories can be fun!

Illuminati is a game that allows you indulge your inner conspiracy theorist, hopefully in a self-aware tongue-in-cheek manner. My son apparently made off with my copy. I think he’s in on it. He took it as part of a secret communist conspiracy to keep me from suspecting the truth about secret communist conspiracies…

Figure 1: No, really, the Freemasons have been secretly runing America since it’s founding.

Figure 1: No, really, the Freemasons have been secretly runing America since it’s founding.