Why I hike
Why I hike. A picture is worth 1000 words

Figure 1: “Sun behind ice on tree” by George Jones is licenced under CC SA 4.0
I went hiking in Shenandoah national park Satuday. Pictures here https://pixelfed.social/p/eludom/396268280449793695
I had not been out much lately (winter, cold), but this reminded why I hike. You get to the top (in this case, of “Mary’s Rock”) and have breathtaking views (often when you are already out of breath :-). There is the sense of accomplishment in having finished the climb (in this case a modest ~1000 plus feet up, 1.5 miles). You meet people (I met an older gentleman with a camera, and we stopped and talked photography for 20 minutes, I ran into some old friends). You have time to think (assuming you don’t blast music or podcasts into your brain while you could be letting it enjoy the quite of nature). And it’s fun.
In some cases you take calculated risks … this time the trail was 3 miles of ice, treacherous in spots. I “only” fell twice. Others had cramp-ons on their shoes to give traction, I just had my poles and did “rock hopping” most of the way up, avoiding the ice. But there is nothing to match the feeling you get when you reach the top and stare out into infinity across the mountains and valleys.
There are 200 some words here. Which are worth about 1/5 of a picture.
#5 of #100DaysToOffload take 2, https://100daystooffload.com/