Conspiracy theories can be fun!

Illuminati is a game that allows you indulge your inner conspiracy theorist, hopefully in a self-aware tongue-in-cheek manner. My son apparently made off with my copy. I think he’s in on it. He took it as part of a secret communist conspiracy to keep me from suspecting the truth about secret communist conspiracies…

Figure 1: No, really, the Freemasons have been secretly runing America since it’s founding.

Figure 1: No, really, the Freemasons have been secretly runing America since it’s founding.

Learning Latin the wrong way, an argument against ignorance.

I’m doing some of the Duolingo Latin course. Who knew you could shop, converse and joke in Latin? Certainly not the classics professors I learned from. Quid pudor est.

There is no reason why learners should be made to treat every Latin text as puzzle to be deciphered into translation, rather than a specimen of normal human communication to be understood as such.

"This train's got the disappearing railway blues"

I recently took an Amtrak trip form Pittsburgh to Tucson and back. My cousin asked me

How was the Amtrak ride? It went through Chillicothe for a few years maybe in the 1970’s. Then B&O/CSX abandoned the tracks.

and noted

in the 1920’… there were 5 passenger trains a day from Cincinnati to Columbus

Figure 1: “Trains” by George Jones is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Figure 1: “Trains” by George Jones is licensed under CC BY 2.0

social costs

I sent this to my son who is on the path to being a high school socials study teacher.

This article has me trying to project the impact today’s “social distancing” would have had on a very messed up introverted teenager of 45 years ago. It’s not a pretty picture.

I’m a Public School Teacher. The Kids Aren’t Alright.

My students were taught to think of themselves as vectors of disease. This has fundamentally altered their understanding of themselves.

But that would be too easy

This is a navel-gazing simple desultory philippic about adventures in yak-shaving. It is dedicated JTR’s ox-hugo theme I’ve borrowed for the second time. Thanks!

“But you could just use wordpress”

he tells himself.

“Ahh, but then think of all the yak shaving you would miss.”

he responds to himself.

“Opportunity cost, he thinks…”.

“Yessss, preciousssss. The opportunity cost. Gollum. Gollum. Gollum.”

Emacs enlightenment

“…It’s also clear you have a achieved emacs enlightenment. The state where you see the whole world through the mind-bogglingly useful lens of emacs and org mode and fail to see (non judgmentally) why anything should exist outside that world. ‘Om, Om, Om, M-x find-universe’ :-)”

Finding needles in the marketingstack

At work I do a lot of research around finding and understanding the capabilities of things connected to the Internet. I find that often checking Wikipedia and/or searching for the product excluding the vendor website gets to the real information fastest, e.g.