Illuminati is a game that allows you indulge your inner conspiracy
theorist, hopefully in a self-aware tongue-in-cheek manner. My son
apparently made off with my copy. I think he’s in on it. He took it as part
of a secret communist conspiracy to keep me from suspecting the truth
about secret communist conspiracies…
These are some musings I sent to a friend who is a career counselor at
a local community college.
Short version: I’m pretty sure I could not have planned my current
career in “IT” and “Cybersecurity” when neither of those terms even
existed until well into my career.
I’m doing some of the Duolingo Latin course. Who knew you could shop, converse
and joke in Latin? Certainly not the classics professors I learned from.
Quid pudor est.
There is no reason why learners should be made
to treat every Latin text as puzzle to be deciphered into translation,
rather than a specimen of normal human communication to be understood as
I sent this to my son who is on the path to being a high school socials
study teacher.
This article has me trying to project the impact today’s “social
distancing” would have had on a very messed up introverted teenager of
45 years ago. It’s not a pretty picture.
These are a few perspectives on privacy prompted by initial
thoughts on the Usenix PEPR ‘22 Call for Participation. I may or
may not flesh this out as a submission. If I do, it might take a
totally different form, this being a first reaction.
Figure 1: “Privacy Technology for the 21st Centry” by George Jones is licensed under CC BY 2.0
“…It’s also clear you have a achieved emacs enlightenment. The state
where you see the whole world through the mind-bogglingly useful
lens of emacs and org mode and fail to see (non judgmentally) why
anything should exist outside that world. ‘Om, Om, Om, M-x find-universe’ :-)”
At work I do a lot of research around finding and understanding the capabilities of things connected to the Internet. I find that often checking Wikipedia and/or searching for the product excluding the vendor website gets to the real information fastest, e.g.