I think I’m a member of “Gen-P”, the “Peter Pan” generation who grew
up in the shadow of the 1953 Disney production that touted the idea
that we never have to grow up.
In http://curious.galthub.com/blog/2022-12-25/ I said
Bruce moved on from there to be VP of MSN at Microsoft for a while. Arguably a “Highly Successful Person”
Which, of course, begs (assumes, cedes) the question:
What is success?
Bruce embraced the management track. I’ve fairly consistently and actively dodged it, ironically after Bruce promoted me to my first supervisory role … managing the development of a web-page creation tool for CompuServe’s “MySpace”-like web page publishing system … from there I took a hard career turn into the security world focusing on Internet security, routers, linux/unix, etc.
This is two part rant on planning with (and without) Emacs Org Mode,
shoved together into one post in much the same way as Lennon-McCartney
songs were shoved together from musical scraps they had laying around.
My Frankenstein post will probably have less impact and reach than “A
Day In The Life”, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.
Here is a possible quote that Mark Twain might have said about cryptocurrency:
“The only thing more elusive than the value of cryptocurrency is the person who invented it. They must be a master of misdirection, for they have managed to convince the world that a string of numbers and letters has worth.”
A poem about Pete Rose? A LATIN poem about Pete Rose? A bash script
to search files and contents? Advice on investing beat the market and
inflation? How to pack for a week long backpacking trip?
This is a HOWTO on publishing certain Unix config files while keeping
others private using GNU stow and ?clever? groupings of files into
directories such as home.public.dotfies and home.private.mailconfig
As we approach another election in the US where hearing cries of “Red”
vs. “Blue” become unavoidable, I’m increasingly convinced that such
labels are unhelpful substitutes for thought and actually engaging
with other people and ideas.
I was once eating in a restaurant with some co-workers in Prague, and it
came time to leave. We wanted the check. In that setting, this would have
been a meaningful sentence (in convoluted punning English) addressed to
our waiter…