In ancient Rome, there was a temple to the god Janus (he of the month “JANUary” fame).
There was a tradition that the gates of the temple of Janus were to be
closed in times of peace, and open in times of war. They were
usually open.
I asked the Brave web browswer’s AI-assisted “Leo” search engine and
ChatGPT to put that in in cotext, both in the history of Rome and in
the past 150 years of world history.
If ancient roman rules applied world-wide, when would the gates of janus be closed?
I got motivated yesterday to do some credit-report hygiene. I wrote a HOWTO describing process of freezing all 3 major reports, see (
I also added some commentary what motivates the credit unions (and it’s not your security and privacy) and the sad state of things 9 years after one of them lost 200 million records (likely including yours).
Today was the day I removed the TNI (Telephone Network Interface) from
my house. The last vestiges of our land line. The last outpost of a
once vast network.
Figure 1: “This Phone Is Property of Ohio Bell” by George Jones is licensed under CC BY 2.0
So, life. Death. Taxes. Insurance companies and AI.
This is one very real, present way AI is going to kill people.
Not by HAL-9000 or Borg malevolence, but with a heavy dose of
group-think by insurance companies.
This is a story about the similarity between finding good information
to identify vulnerable devices on the Internet and finding the info
one needs to sign up for US health care.
Hint: in one of these domains it’s possible to find facts. In the other
there is a shifting maze of marketing, laws, partisan media coverage,
and bureaucracies who’s goal is to profit from making it impossible to
find facts and make decisions on your own.
Warning. First-world baby-boomer problem described here:
So, I'm stitting here on the group-W bench, I'm just sitting here...
OK. Really. Not trying to get out of the Viet Nam draft, just having
another surreal interaction with the US Federal government 50 years later
along the lines of:
Some folks are born silver spoon in hand
Ah, they really help themselves
But when the tax man comes to the door
Lord, the house look a rummage sale, oh yeah
John Fogerty/Credence Clearwater Revival
GoodRX may save my son $3,500 or more on his prescription meds. This
is a large fraction of the income he’s earning on his first job.
Congress exempted “Big Phrama” from kickback rules in the 90s, the
result seems to be that prices signals are allowed to work in the market
to the benefit of people who would otherwise be made poor buying
medicine they need at artificially high prices.