Learn git and galthub without any marketing

OK, so a year or so later I’m back online with both a self-hosted git and blog presence.

I had been using both github for code and github.io for my blog, but for various reasons I decided to stop putting content there.

Walled gardens go away
Walled gardens go way whenever it stops suiting the bottom line of the company. All the form posts from CompuServe (my first employer) are gone AOL Instant Messenger messages (another employer) are gone. Myspace content is gone. Twitter, Facebook and Google have been caught regularly censoring and deleting material. Apple, Amazon (another employer) and Google (G+ anyone?) will be gone someday, and the user content they host that no longer suits their business needs will be gone before that. I’ve written at length aobut this in “40 years of walled gardens & open platforms: Part I” and “40 years of walled gardens & open platforms: Part I”

Karl Voit nailed it :: https://karl-voit.at/2020/10/23/avoid-web-forums/

“Learn git and github without any code!”
Really? A site who’s sole purpose is (was?) to allow programmers to share code puts a slogan on top of all it’s pages Learn git and github without any code. Umm. No. Just no. It appears the marketing people at Microsoft totally own the tech-focused site they bought. The CEO left. They are apparently developing some non-standard tool (of course they are, it’s Microsoft, “embrace and extend”") “the Github CLI” that they want you to use instead of, you know, standard git tools that they don’t control. And somehow an inherently distributed source code control system is now centralizing all the worlds code. No. Just no.
My content, my way
I just don’t want wordpress or atlassian or microsoft to reformat my content, add advertising links, require people to login or to throw long legal click-throughs and cookie disclaimers in front of my public cogitations.
Using tools I like
Emacs org mode is going to take me to my grave. I like using it. Using it is a hobby. It is therapeutic. There is a worldwide community built around emacs: https://emacsconf.org/2021/. I LIKE using Hugo. See [BROKEN LINK: Blog/hugo-org-github.pre-processed.org] (just ignore the github bits now). No need to use the mouse.
I like learning how to do things, how modern-ish Internet stuff works. In the process of getting this back up, I’ve registered a new domain name (learning new record types, SEO, etc. in the process), discovered http://mysocket.io, brushed up on my apache and ansible skills, reinstalled my dead raspberry pie, and learned a good bit about configuring gitea

More to come now that I can get it out in a way I feel good about.