Some Happy Notes

And on a happy note…my son Bryan has finished his Masters of Piano Performance at Duquesne University and will be headed to Penn State to pursue a Doctor of Musical Arts. You can watch listen to Bryan Jones’ masters degree piano recitle at Duquesne on Youtube.

1 Bryan’s Music

The corona virus has wreaked havoc with many things, not the least of which is the performing arts, but, as they say, “the show must go on”. The program was to have been a live performance, but things being what they are (social distancing) recordings where made to satisfy the requirement.

The program includes:

I particularly like the Debussy.

2 Other Happy Notes

My other son Daniel is finishing out his junior year at Cedarville from home. Bryan’s girlfriend (also graduating from Duquesne) will again spend the summer doing something she loves, counting birds for Bird Conservancy of the Rockies. A “kid” I knew from scouting is headed off for a masters in biomedical engineering this fall, and we may hike together a week or two if possible in June or July.

Life goes on. All is not doom and gloom. There are some happy notes. Share some of yours?