All is not doom and gloom: go for a walk !!!
I find that when I stay glued to twitter (pick your social-media-of-doom-amplifier) I tend to get a rather gloomy view of life. There is indeed a lot one can be gloomy about these days. But if you just go for a walk and look around you may be surprised:
I found this art sidewalk art at just about the exact place where last fall I had purchased a cup of lemonade from 4 eager young entrepreneurs. I suspect the ring leader of that optimistic young bunch.

Figure 1: Sidewalk art
Spring is the best time of year. The daffodils bloom, dogwoods are in full bloom, red-bud trees come out, the tree-frogs sing up a storm (at least that’s how it goes in Virginia)

Figure 2: Dogwoods in bloom
I recently had my yard re-graded and re-seeded and now, after 17 years I have full luscious grass (that has to be mowed). This may not happen again:

Figure 3: Actual grass
And last but not least I saw a bird I don’t think I’ve seen before, it turned out to be a common tree swallow, but it was startling to see the almost metallic, shinny dark blue back and white belly (the picture does not capture it well)

Figure 4: Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor)
Go for a walk. Look at the world around you. It’s spring. All is not doom and gloom!