Thanks Sacha !
Ode to emacsconf 2023With apologies to William Shakespeare and actual odes.All the world’s a text, And all the men and women merely editors; They have their reads and their writes, And Emacs in its time plays many parts…

Figure 1: “2015-02-02 Making a virtual Emacs conference happen – index card #emacs #organizing-people #conference #planning #questions” by sachac is licensed under CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit
Emacs is a tangent to life.
We use Emacs around the edges of life. It’s adjacent to everything we do: our work, our finances, our art, and, oh yea, our code too.
Our life is text. Emacs is a text editor. Emacs itself is text. We edit Emacs with Emacs. “All the world’s a text….”
Emacs gives us a (false?) sense of control. It’s shiny object. Using it turns parts of our lives into encounters mediated by a shiny object. Or maybe it just leads us down rabbit-holes when we should be paying the bills.
Emacs is a community. A worldwide diapora of isolated geeks. It is a form of existential self expression. It can be cathartic.
We share all this once a year at emacsconf, thanks to Sacha Chua and friends.
Thanks, Sacha.
“Now wait, how was I planing to tweak that capture template? ….”
#51 of #100DaysToOffload take 3.1,