Conspiracy theories can be fun!
Illuminati is a game that allows you indulge your inner conspiracy theorist, hopefully in a self-aware tongue-in-cheek manner. My son apparently made off with my copy. I think he’s in on it. He took it as part of a secret communist conspiracy to keep me from suspecting the truth about secret communist conspiracies…

Figure 1: No, really, the Freemasons have been secretly runing America since it’s founding.
I can’t find my copy of Illuminati, I’ll keep looking but my SUSPICION is that DANIEL took it to CEDARVILLE in a blatant attempt to prevent YOU from knowing that the democratic party controls the international communist conspiracy who use their orbital mind control lasers (see tin foil hats) to control the convenience store clerks who incite KKK rallies that buy large numbers of Chick-fil-A sandwiches secretly on Sunday at, wait for it….the brand new Chick-fil-A dining hall on the cedarville campus (what more proof do you need, seriously !!!!)
And because I can’t leave anything un-analyzed…
Conspiracy theories are more of a problem when you’re close to them, when they’re believable, and may have an impact on your life. I’m not to concerned (outside historical and literary interests) as to whether Marc Antony was actually planning to crown Julius Caesar as King of Rome. I’m not invested (as Cicero was) in the myth that the rule of Rome was going to stay in the hands of the Senatorial class and the Tribunes.
This, on the other hand, hits a little close to home Be careful…
#3 of #100DaysToOffload take 2,